European Go Cultural Center

European Go Library

The European Go Library currently contains 3369 books/magazines. Feel free to browse through the Library of look for specific items. The listing can be sorted via the links in the columns heads.

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ID Title Author Publisher Year
433Chess and playing-cards : catalogue of games and implements for divination exhibited by the U.S. National Museum in connection wby Stewart CulinGovernment printing office1898
2227Cesty po svètè : ŽaponskoJosefa KořenskéhoVlasiním Nákladem Vydal J. Otto1898
699Through China with a cameraJohn ThomsonConstable1898
511Things Japanese : being notes on various subjects connected with Japan for the use of travellers and othersby Basil Hall ChamberlainJohn Murray1898
2733Spiele und Festlichkeiten der japanischen Jugendvon Ernst v. Hesse-Wartegg1899
2618On pastimes and amusements of the Japaneseby Charlotte M. Salwey1901
63Igo zensho daishiken : igo tsumekata (zen)Kobayashi, T1901
575Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibetby Sarat Chandra DasJohn Murray1902
76Things Japanese : being notes on various subjects connected with Japan for the use of travellers and othersby Basil Hall ChamberlainJohn Murray1902
1120Card and table gamesedited by professor HoffmannGeorge Routledge and sons1903
669Mon tour du monde : les Indes, la Chine, le Japonpar la comtesse du Bourg de BozasLibrairie Plon1903
1213Bushido : die Seele Japans : eine Darstellung des Japanischen Geistesvon Inazo Nitobé ; ins Deutsche übertragen von Ella KaufmannShokwabo1903
2782Legend in Japanese art : a description of historical episodes, legendary characters, folk-lore, myths, religious symbolism : illby Henri L. JolyJohn Lane the Bodley head1903
1356The book of indoor and outdoor games : with suggestions for entertainmentsby Mrs. Burton KingslandWM. Heinemann1904
804Japanese chess (sho-ngi) ; the science and art of war or struggle philosophically treated : chinese chess (chong-kie) and i-goby Cho-yoEurasiamerica ; the press club of Chicago1905
310Meyers grosses Konversations-Lexikon : ein Nachschlagewerk des allgemeinen Wissens : Achter Band : Glashütte bis HautflüglerH.J. MeyerBibliographisches Institut1905
77Japanese chess (sho-ngi) ; the science and art of war or struggle philosophically treated : chinese chess (chong-kie) and i-goby Cho-yoEurasiamerica ; the press club of Chicago1905
2284Things Japanese : being notes on various subjects connected with Japan for the use of travellers and othersby Basil Hall ChamberlainJohn Murray1905
2799Chess in China : the elephant gameby George F. Cooke1905
2552Ostasiatische Brettspiele : mit zehn Abbildungenvon Dr. Junghans1905

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