European Go Cultural Center

European Go Library

The European Go Library currently contains 3369 books/magazines. Feel free to browse through the Library of look for specific items. The listing can be sorted via the links in the columns heads.

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ID Title Author Publisher Year
2872Thoughts on my professional careerby Michael Redmond1986
57Go Spiels.a.
2105Середина игры го (Seredina igry go) [The middle game of go]СAKATA Эйо
2873Growing up with goby Terry Trucco1986
210626й Хонинбо (26j Honinbo) [26th Honinbo]ИВÐ?МОТО К[аору]
2618On pastimes and amusements of the Japaneseby Charlotte M. Salwey1901
2874The go burglarby William Pinckard1986
10831. Cs. goisticky almanach : Go-EM'88 HamburgJirí Emmer, Richard Knecht1988
210738 джоÑ?еки (38 džoseki) [38 joseki]KOСУГИ КийоÑ?и, ДЭЙВИС ДжеймÑ?
2875Why not eliminate the irrational in go?by Kudo Norio, O Meien and Murakami Akira1986
1340Lord demonby Roger Zelazny and Jan Lindskolds.a.
2108ОÑ?новы го : Ñ‚Ñ?Ñ?удзи : том 1 (Osnovy go : tèsudzi : tom 1) [Basics of go : tesuji : vol. 1]ДЭЙВИС ДжеймÑ?
2876Grand Minister Kibi and the transmission of go to JapanWilliam Pinckard1987
61Hsien Chi Wu K.Us.a.
2109Ð?така и защита : tом 1 (Ataka i zaÅ¡Ä?ita : tom 1) [Attack and defense : vol. 1]ИСИДÐ? Ð?кира
2621Inleiding tot het go-spelRobert Rehm1973-1974
2877A go-player's lifeIwamoto Kaoru ; compiled and translated by John Power1987
62Igo no tehodokiOnishi Ringoro1914
1598Bijdrage tot de kennis van het Japansche RijkJohan Frederik van Overmeer Fisscher1833

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