European Go Cultural Center

European Go Library

The European Go Library currently contains 3369 books/magazines. Feel free to browse through the Library of look for specific items. The listing can be sorted via the links in the columns heads.

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ID Title Author Publisher Year
2640Anders Kierulf's smart go boardby Dave Erbach1988
2896Go : the immortal gameWilliam Pinckard1988-1989
212938 оÑ?новных дзёÑ?Ñ?ки (38 osnovnyh dzësèki)[38 basic joseki]КОСУГИ КийоÑ?и
26411984 Acornsoft computer go tournamentby John Fairbairn1984
2897The temple of the Golden PavillionWilliam Pinckard1989
213045 Ñ?удзи (Ñ?борник задач, Ñ?оÑ?тавитель и краткий перевод Ю. Макеева) (45 sudzi
2642The program G2David Fotland1986-1987
2898Jimmy Cha : giant killerJonathan Wood1989
3154Machine perception : what makes it so hard for computers to see?Reitman, W., Nado, R., Wilcox, B1978
1875Go : beat the Japs at their own game
2131TакÑ?миÑ? - Тё (девÑ?Ñ‚ÑŒ партий 1985 года (Takèmiâ - Të (devât’ partij 1985 goda)) [Takemiya-Cho (nine
2643An algorithm for simple laddersDavid Fotland1987
2899In search of harmony : an interview with Ronald SchlemperJonathan Wood1989
2132БольшаÑ? Ñ?нциклопедиÑ? фуÑ?Ñ?ки, Ñ‚. 2. Симари. ПерекреÑ?тные позиции (BolÅ¡aâ èРИÐ? Кайхо
2644From nim to goFraenkel, A.S1978
2900How to attack the two-space extensionKamimura Kunio ; translated by John Power1989
2133Ваш ход, МаÑ?Ñ?тро? (задачи длÑ? 1-6 дан) : ВыпуÑ?к 1 (VaÅ¡ hod, Maèstro? (zadaÄ?i dlâ 1-6 dan) : VКУДО Ð?орио, Ð¥Ð?РУЯМÐ?
2645Chronologie der Programmierung des japanischen Brettspiels Go : eine Herausforderung an die Künstliche IntelligenzChristian M. Hamann1985
2901Attacking the two-space extension : problemsO Meien1989
1110Conflict of honorsby Steve Miller and Sharon Lee

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