European Go Cultural Center

European Go Library

The European Go Library currently contains 3369 books/magazines. Feel free to browse through the Library of look for specific items. The listing can be sorted via the links in the columns heads.

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ID Title Author Publisher Year
2652Proposed standard file for go gamesAnders Kierulf1987
2908All about the two-step hane (1)by Cho Chikun1990
2141Избранные партии выдающихÑ?Ñ? маÑ?теров Ñ?овременноÑ?ти (Izbrannye partii vydaûšÄ?ihsКОБÐ?ЯСИ Коити
2653Move inversions in the game of goAnders Kierulf1988
2909In pursuit of elegance : a survey of the best in go equipment : Part 1: Go boardsby John Fairbairn1990
2142Избранные партии выдающихÑ?Ñ? маÑ?теров Ñ?овременноÑ?ти (Izbrannye partii vydaûšÄ?ihsОТÐ?КЭ ХидÑ?о
2654Smart go board and go explorer : a study in software and knowledge engineeringKierulf, A., Chen, K., Nievergelt, J1990
2910All about the two-step haneby Cho Chikun1990
3166Discussion of an earlier paper on mathematical theory of the game wei-chiLiu, S.C1978
863The Chinese : how they live and workT.R. Tregears.a.
2143Избранные партии выдающихÑ?Ñ? маÑ?теров Ñ?овременноÑ?ти (Izbrannye partii vydaûšÄ?ihsРИÐ? Кайхо
2655Heuristics in the life and death algorithm of a go-playing programJanusz Kraszek1988-1989
864Frauen um den Drachenthron : Verführung und Macht im Schicksal Chinaserzählt von Blanche Chr. Olschaks.a.
2144“Как выиграть выигранную партиюâ€? (фрамент книги) (“Kak vyigrat’ vyigrannuû partiГО СÑ?йген
2656Perception in go as a problem in artificial intelligenceRoy Langston1988
2912Studies in jade : Vol. 1Heber R. Bishop1906
2145Путь к титулу ÐœÑ?йдзин (Put’ k titulu Mèjdzin) [Way to Meijin title]ИСИДÐ? ЙоÑ?ио
2657Die Semeai-Formelvon Karl-Friedrich Lenz1982
2913The cover : apparition of the spider princessby William Pinckard1990-1991
1634A treatise on go : general discussion of fuseki : volume 1Hirose Heijiro ; translated by Nakamura Mokichi ; edited by Lee 1911

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