European Go Cultural Center

European Go Library

The European Go Library currently contains 3369 books/magazines. Feel free to browse through the Library of look for specific items. The listing can be sorted via the links in the columns heads.

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ID Title Author Publisher Year
2146Сборник партий Ñ?понÑ?ких профеÑ?Ñ?ионалов “Кидоâ€? за 1984 год (Sbornik partij âponsÐ?ИХОÐ? КИИÐ?
2658Computer go rules : a first draftcompiled by David Levy1987-1988
2914In pursuit of elegance : a survey of the best in go equipment : Part 2: Go stones : Part 3: Go bowlsby John Fairbairn1990-1991
1123Easy GO-ingRalph E. Welton1979
2147Сборник партий Ñ?понÑ?ких профеÑ?Ñ?ионалов “Кидоâ€? за 1986 год (Sbornik partij âponsÐ?ИХОÐ? КИИÐ?
2659Go is polynomial-space hardLichtenstein, D., Sipser, M1980
2915The cover : 'Go-board' Tadanobuby William Pinckard1991
868Chefs-d'oeuvre de l'arts.a.
1124Easy GO-ing : tactics and strategyRalph E. Welton1979
2148Сборник партий Ñ?понÑ?ких профеÑ?Ñ?ионалов “Кидоâ€? за 1987 год (Sbornik partij âponsÐ?ИХОÐ? КИИÐ?
2660An approach to conquer difficulties in developing a go playing programMano, Y1984
2916All about the two-step hane (3)by Cho Chikun1991
869Loisirs et jeuxs.a.
1125Instructions for using the Easy GO-ing kitGary A. Klein1980
2149Сборник партий Ñ?понÑ?ких профеÑ?Ñ?ионалов “Кидоâ€? за 1989 год (Sbornik partij âponsÐ?ИХОÐ? КИИÐ?
2661The European computer go championshipMartin Müller1989
2917Efficiency (1)by Ishida Yoshio ; translated by John Power1991
2150Сколько Ñ?тоит ход (фрамент книги) (Skol’ko stoit hod (fragment knigi)) [How much is a move worth (fИСИДÐ? ЙоÑ?ио
2662Smart go boardsEdward K. Ream1986-1987
2918The cover : the nine old men of Incense Mountainby William Pinckard1991

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