European Go Cultural Center

European Go Library

The European Go Library currently contains 3369 books/magazines. Feel free to browse through the Library of look for specific items. The listing can be sorted via the links in the columns heads.

You can search the Library by Title, Author, Publisher or Year or a combination. The search is on an or/or basis so any criterium being matched will yield a hit. You can specify an exact term like Verlag of parts of a term, e,g, ver.

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ID Title Author Publisher Year
1200Petit Larousse des jeux : les règles de 500 jeuxLarousse1999
1712Go : das alte Japanspiel1940?
2481Go review : the picture go magazineIgo-Bunkakai1954
2737Go und Ko1888
1970Go : the strategy boardgameGoodMove Games2008
2738Officials on the "go"1986
2994Wir kommen an den meisten Schreibtischen zum Zuge, weil wir die besseren Strategen haben1985
1971Go : un juego importanteJuguetes Borras1980?
1972The 3rd Korea Prime Minister Cup International Amateur Baduk ChampionshipKABA (Korean amateur baduk association)2008
1205Asia and the game of go : teachers' guideEuropean go centre1999
182Kommentierte Go-Partien IIGo-Sangyos.a.
1206The world go championship - the Fujitsu cup : tournament rules and conditionsFujitsu1992
1462Go : Nationalspiel der JapanesenR. Lechner1882
1718The 1st seminar in instruction methods for overseas teachers of go - programNihon Ki-in1977
183Kommentierte Go-Partien IIIGo-Sangyo Verlag1974
1207Go, the game for you! : a complete introduction for children : first draft versionEGCC1999
1463Go : het eeuwenoude Japanse spelYameh, handelsonderneming J. van Munster1960?
1719Incelikli Go sanatini kesfetmeye cagiran kucuk kitab
2487Go windsYutopian Enterprises1997
2999Die Grenzen der künstlichen Intelligenz2002

© European Go Cultural Centre 2016