European Go Cultural Center

European Go Library

The European Go Library currently contains 3369 books/magazines. Feel free to browse through the Library of look for specific items. The listing can be sorted via the links in the columns heads.

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ID Title Author Publisher Year
117Storia dell'introduzione del Cristianesimo in Cino : parte 1 : libri 1-3 : da Macao a NanciamMatteo Ricci ; edita da Pasquale M. d'EliaLa libreria dello stato1942
890Kulturmacht Japan : ein Spiegel japanischen Kulturlebens in Vergangenheit und GegenwartVerlag "Die Pause", Verlag bibliographisches Institut1942
2964Go : Japs play their national game the way they fight their wars1942
1800The menacing rise of Japan : ninety years of crafty statesmanship in picturesAlexander Howard, Ernest Newman ; foreword by Lord VansittardGeorge G. Harrap & Co.1943
29A go primerby Gilbert W. RosenthalGilbert W. Rosenthal1943
2597Rules on GoShimada1944
2605Le jeu d'échecs des ChinoisSlobodchikov, L. A1945
100Modern chess strategy : with an appendix on goby Edward LaskerDavid McKay Company1945
1133Matematicas recreativaspor Mauricio Kraitchik ; traducido del Inglés por Guillermo MesEl Ateneo1946
2794Die Fandse : ein Beitrag zur Volkskunde von Khamvon Jen Nai-Ch'iang ; übersetzt von Dominikus SchröderMuseum of Oriental Ethnology, Catholic University1946
756The structure of goby Karl Davis Robinson in collaboration with John M.H. OlmstedKarl Davis Robinson1946
1525The structure of goby Karl Davis Robinson in collaboration with John M.H. OlmstedKarl Davis Robinson1946
2816Les échecs chinoisJoseph Boyer1948
1574Go-WerbeschriftViktor ZimmermannViktor Zimmermann1949
2451The American go journalRobinson, Karl Davis (ed.)American go association1949
3178Das Buch der Spiele : eine ausführliche Beschreibung der interessantesten Tisch-, Geduld- und GesellschaftsspieleRüger, BVerlag L. Ehlermann1950
710China : het avontuur van een grote beschaving beschreven vanaf het begin tot op hedenElisabeth Seeger; vertaald door Alfred KossmannEm. Querido's uitgeversmij.1950
473Modern chess strategy : with an appendix on goby Edward LaskerDavid McKay Company1950
22The game of goprepared by Lester and Elisabeth MorrisAmerican Go Association1951
1111Les jeux d'échecs non orthodoxesJoseph BoyerJ. Boyer1951

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