European Go Cultural Center

European Go Library

The European Go Library currently contains 3369 books/magazines. Feel free to browse through the Library of look for specific items. The listing can be sorted via the links in the columns heads.

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ID Title Author Publisher Year
2151Сборник - Справочник ХамÑ?Ñ‚Ñ? (Sbornik – SpravoÄ?nik Hamètè) [Collection – Hamete handbook]
2663Lernversuche an der IBM 704Remus, H1961
2919Strange and wonderful shapes : two sequelsby Nakayama Noriyuki1991
1128Japan day by day 1877, 1878-79, 1882/83 : vol. 1Edward Sylvester Morse1917
2152ДьÑ?вольÑ?кий ход (D’âvol’skij hod) [Devilish move]ГО СÑ?йген
2664Recent development in game playing programsSanechika, N1979
2920Women in goby John Fairbairn1991
2153Техника ко-борьбы (Tehnika ko-bor’by) [Technique of Ko fight]
2665Notes on modelling and implementation of the human player's decision processes in the game of goSanechika, N., Ohigashi, H., Mano, Y., Sugawara, Y., Torii, K1981
2921Go grades and early mastersby John Fairbairn1991
2154Техника форм и Ñ?удзи (Tehnika form i sudzi) [Technique of shape and suzhi]РИÐ? Кайхо
2666Intelligentes Go?von Allan Scarf ; aus dem Englischen von Klaus Fittges1985
2922My secret stategies for handicap gamesOgoshi Ichiro1991
1131Fifty elementary "joseki"by Kaku Takagawa1953-1954
2155Цуме-Го Ñ? точки зрениÑ? профеÑ?Ñ?ионала, Ñ‚. 2. Практика. Задачи маÑ?теров (Ñ?Ð
2667Diary of a professional go programmerAllan Scarff1987-1988
2923The cover : the four accomplishmentsby William Pinckard1991-1992
21569-й КиÑ?Ñ?й (9-j Kisèj) [9th Kisei]
2668A new approach to programming go : knowledge representation and its refinementKiyoshi Shirayanagi1989
2924Liu Zhongfu's go secretsby John Fairbairn1992

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