European Go Cultural Center

European Go Library

The European Go Library currently contains 3369 books/magazines. Feel free to browse through the Library of look for specific items. The listing can be sorted via the links in the columns heads.

You can search the Library by Title, Author, Publisher or Year or a combination. The search is on an or/or basis so any criterium being matched will yield a hit. You can specify an exact term like Verlag of parts of a term, e,g, ver.

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ID Title Author Publisher Year
1745Le jeu de goRachez199?
2257How to play go2010
722How many liberties has the white stone got?European go centre1996
1746Go : Taschen-Magnet-Spiel : magnetic pocket gameDietmar Hartung1983
2514Bulletin du go FrancilienLa ligue de go d'Île-de-France2002
467Sports and games in ancient ChinaNew world press1986
723Go nejúchvatnejsí ze vsech herEuropean go centre1996
1747Gomoku, ninuki, go : Brettspiel für 2 PersonenZentralsparkasse196?
724GoEuropean go centre1996
1236Die Tochter des Drachenkönigs : zehn Geschichten aus der Zeit der Tang DynastieVerlag für fremdsprachige Literatur1955
1748Go gameDaiichi ad. co.
3030The game to beat all games : go2004
2007The 5th Sotetsu cup world women's amateur go championshipSotetsu1994?
251957th European go congress, Olsztyn 2013 - PolandPolish Go Association2013
1496Go : "The way of the warrior" : Oriental game of strategy and skillCrisloid Plastics Inc.197?
2008The 26th JAL cup world amateur go championship in AichiNihon Ki-in, Japan Airlines2005
475Eight line goRiverside Research Presss.a.
2011Nederlandse kampioenschappen go 2008NGoB2008
988A child's garden of grasss.a.

© European Go Cultural Centre 2016