European Go Cultural Center

European Go Library

The European Go Library currently contains 3369 books/magazines. Feel free to browse through the Library of look for specific items. The listing can be sorted via the links in the columns heads.

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ID Title Author Publisher Year
784Board and table games from many civilizationsR.C. BellOxford University Press1960
19A strategic pattern recognition program for the game of goDavid LefkovitzUniversity of Pennsylvania, the Moore school of electrical engin1960
288Die Entwicklung der Europäischen Go-kongresseStruck, ADeutscher Go-Bund e.V.1960
43Go : het fascinerende spel uit het oostenA.P.H. SchilpNederlandse Go Bond1960
48Der Schlüssel zum goKaku Takagawa, Übertragung von Peter SchnellDeutschen Go Bund1960
305Go BasarF. RühlingF. Rühling, (dr. Lenz)1960
2624Go : judo van de geestL. Vié1960
330Verzeichnis der europäischen Gospielerzusammengestellt von Leonhard GrebeDeutscher Go-Bund e.V.1960
99Go and go-moku : the oriental board gamesby Edward LaskerDover1960
3210Korea : its land, people and culture of all agesHakwon-sa1960
401Go proverbs illustratedby Kensaku Segoe ; translated by John BauerJapanese go association1960
406Go and go-moku : the oriental board gamesby Edward LaskerDover1960
2459Der Go-kurier : Informationsblatt der Europäischen Go-SpielerAstl, WOgv1960
2462Go : tijdschrift van de Nederlandse go-bondNederlandse Go-Bond1960
432Games of the Orient : Korea, China, Japanby Stewart CulinTuttle1960
709Japan and people : illustratededited by Kiyohide YamashitaNichibei Keizai-Domei Kenkyu-Kai1960
210Go proverbs illustratedby Kensaku Segoe ; translated by John BauerJapanese go association1960
1528The game of go : the national game of Japanby Arthur SmithCharles E. Tuttle1960
1463Go : het eeuwenoude Japanse spelYameh, handelsonderneming J. van Munster1960?
3082Kennen Sie Go?Bruno Rüger1961

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