European Go Cultural Center

European Go Library

The European Go Library currently contains 3369 books/magazines. Feel free to browse through the Library of look for specific items. The listing can be sorted via the links in the columns heads.

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ID Title Author Publisher Year
2687Board games in Japanese legendsAlain C. White1910
2943New moves and new josekisby Abe Yoshiteru ; translated by Furuyama Kazunari1995-1996
2432Revue de gos.a.
2688Board games in Japanese legends : to the editorW.B. Mason1910
2944The cover : Motoharu and the severed headby William Pinckard1998
1409Go on go : the analyzed games of Go SeigenGo Seigen ; translation and additional material by Jim Z. Yu ; e1999
1921Overview : metaphorical go, philosophy and go, the dinosaur's hindbrain, ranks & handicaps, the wolfpack, go on the information by Bruce Wilcox, Sue Wilcox1996
2433Tesuji : maandblad voor go-spelend NederlandZanten, Rob van (ed.)1974
2945The niren-sei openingby Michael Redmond1998
2434Die Go-Ecke1964
2690Japanese chessby W.B. Mason1875
2946The cover : General Kuan Yuby William Pinckard1998
2691Chess in China1867
2947The low Chinese openingby Michael Redmond1998
3203Applying artificial intelligence to decision support : where do good alternatives come from?Reitman, W1982
2692News from overseas : China1964
2948Michael Redmond on the openingby Michael Redmond1998-1999
3204A model of evaluating moves in the game of goSanechika, N1981
2437Mitteilung des DGB1959

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