European Go Cultural Center

European Go Library

The European Go Library currently contains 3369 books/magazines. Feel free to browse through the Library of look for specific items. The listing can be sorted via the links in the columns heads.

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ID Title Author Publisher Year
2584The Japanese Go Association go rules of 1949 (selection)1961
1576Memorandum betreffend die werbung für das GoViktor ZimmermannViktor Zimmermann1961
2620Go MitteilungenRasensportverein Hannover1961
95How to play go gameby Haruko KambayashiToshido1961
2663Lernversuche an der IBM 704Remus, H1961
1392Go : the thinking man's game and nárábe (line up)Quartet1961
2429Daikoku-PostNimmerrichter, AGo-Klub Daikoku1961
1699Official go : the classic game of the far eastLowell toy mfg. corp.1961
1700How to play official go : the classic game of the far east[Takagawa]Lowell toy mfg. corp.1961
2756From my "go" career (1)by Edward Lasker1961
2757From my "go" career (2)by Edward Lasker1961
465Games ancient and oriental and how to play them : being the games of the ancient Egyptians, the hiera gramme of the Greeks, the by Edward FalkenerDover publications1961
3044What is this game of go?David A. Fraser1961
250Go-igraErvin FinkMladinska Knjiga1961
256Learn to play goby John Barrs and Akio MatsuiInternational go-friends union1962
2568How to make a computer appear intelligent : five-in-a-row offers no guaranteeWeizenbaum, J1962
2573Go and scienceBannei, J1962
583Emanuel Lasker : Biographie eines SchachweltmeistersJ. Hannak : mit einem Geleitwort von Prof. Albert EinsteinSiegfried Engelhardt Verlag1962
1361Japanese innby Oliver StatlerPyramid books1962
2461Himoku : Nachrichten- und Lehrblatt Österreichischer Go-VereineNimmerrichter, A1962

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