European Go Cultural Center

European Go Library

The European Go Library currently contains 3369 books/magazines. Feel free to browse through the Library of look for specific items. The listing can be sorted via the links in the columns heads.

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ID Title Author Publisher Year
2693China (PRC)Max Euwe1976
2949The cover : a burlesque of Kibi and the Chinese ministerby William Pinckard1999
3205Programming the decision processes in goSanechika, N1982
134Go-kiyau siu-meu (les miracles du livre sur le jeu de dames)Ran-ka-do Motoyosi1812
2438Der Go-Spiegel : Nachrichtenblatt des Deutschen Go-Bundes Ev.Struck, A1964
2694Did chess originate in China : my answer to mr. A.S.M. Dickinsby Pavle Bidev1978
2950The Korean go boomby Oshima Masao ; translated by John Power1999
2439Informationen Deutsch-Japanischer Go-Club Ev.1966
2695Red China fostering chess1956
2951The Korean style : Korean joseki innovationsOya Koichi ; translated by John Power1999
3207Pattern recognition approach to tesuji programming in goTackett, M1976
648Een Japansch huwelijkdoor E. Sugimotos.a.
2696New books we have received1958
2952The Kobayashi opening1999-2000
649Koshokumono : Japanische Kurtisanengeschichten aus dem 17. JahrhundertIbara Saikakus.a.
2697Chinese chess1827
2953The world her stage : the Rui Naiwei storyby Akiyama Kenji ; translated by Seo Jung-moon and John Power2000
650A world of luck : library of curious and unusual factss.a.
2698Japanese chess1869

© European Go Cultural Centre 2016