European Go Cultural Center

European Go Library

The European Go Library currently contains 3369 books/magazines. Feel free to browse through the Library of look for specific items. The listing can be sorted via the links in the columns heads.

You can search the Library by Title, Author, Publisher or Year or a combination. The search is on an or/or basis so any criterium being matched will yield a hit. You can specify an exact term like Verlag of parts of a term, e,g, ver.

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ID Title Author Publisher Year
2954Echoes in the sound of go stonesPeter Shotwell2000
2699The games and sports of Japanese childrenby W.E. Griffis1874
2955Inside the AGA ratings system : draftPaul Matthews1989
140Memoriaal wegens de Ambassade der Nederlandsche Oost Indische Compagnie naar den Kijzer van China in de Jaaren 1794/5 benevens :Andreas Everardus van Braam Houckgeest1794-1795
1420The traditional Japanese game of Go : a game for two players197?
2444Go-Mitteilungen : Arbeitsblätter der Kommission Go im Deutschen Schachverband der DDRPester, H.-D1981
2700The pastimes of modern Japanby N. Koda1912-1913
2956Accelerated system of tournament pairings : draftPaul Matthews1989
1677A new kind of scienceStephen Wolfram
2189КитайÑ?кое фуÑ?Ñ?ки (Kitajskoe fusèki) [Chinese fuseki]КÐ?ТО МаÑ?ао[2003]
2701The Japanese at playby Frank G. Carpenter1889
2957Game of "go"by M. E.1914
1422Our Lady of darknessFritz Leiber1978
2190Техника фуÑ?Ñ?ки (Tehnika fusèki) [Technique of fuseki]ОТÐ?КЭ ХидÑ?о[2003]
2958A checker championby F. Hirose1915
2191Техника тюбан (Tehnika tûban) [Technique of chuban]СÐ?КÐ?ТÐ? Эйо[2003]
2703GoB. Rüger1933
2959A Japanese war-game1918
1424The Vor gameLois Mcmaster Bujold

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