European Go Cultural Center

European Go Library

The European Go Library currently contains 3369 books/magazines. Feel free to browse through the Library of look for specific items. The listing can be sorted via the links in the columns heads.

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ID Title Author Publisher Year
1773Proceedings ICOB 2005 : the 3rd International Conference on BadukKorean Society for Baduk Studies; Myong-Ji University2005
2029Rules of Go (Weiqi) for World Mind Sports Games 2008International Go Federation2008
494European go championship and congress Budapest '86Hungarian go association1986
1262Gids voor KoreaKoreaanse voorlichtings dienst1977
2030Program Go (Weiqi)International Go Federation2008
495IBM European go championship 1985 : Terschelling / HollandNederlandse go bond1985
17752005 Baduk yearbookHangkuk Kiwon?2005
2031The 19th international amateur pair go championships.n.2008
496PEG '89 : European go congress 23. VII - 5. VIII 1989 : Nis - YugoslaviaYugoslav go federation ; Nis university go club 'Student'1989
2800Go, het spel der Japanners1929
497Turnierbulletin : XX. Go-Einzelmeisterschaft der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik : Bienhof vom 6. 4. 1984 bis 19. 4. 19841984
753The 8th world go championship : the Fujitsu cupNihon Ki-in1996
2289GoWang Dek Toys Land Co.2010
3057Go: Ein Kampf um die Mitte des Himmels2002
498RankaInternational go federation1985
499Ranka yearbook 1986International go federation1986
500Ranka yearbook 1987International go federation1987
1524The first world amateur go championship : rulesNihon Ki-in1979
3062Ein kaiserliches Spiel : aus der Geschichte des chinesischen Go1995

© European Go Cultural Centre 2016