European Go Cultural Center

European Go Library

The European Go Library currently contains 3369 books/magazines. Feel free to browse through the Library of look for specific items. The listing can be sorted via the links in the columns heads.

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ID Title Author Publisher Year
2192Техника форм и Ñ‚Ñ?Ñ?удзи (Tehnika form i tèsudzi) [Technique for shape and tesuji]RIN Kaiho[2003]
2704Go : Einführung in die Spielregeln des Gobearbeitet von B. Rüger1934
1425?Lawrence Durrell
2193Kocmoc, Tom 4 : Ñ?борник задач (Kosmos, tom 4 : sbornik zadaÄ?) [Kosmos, vol. 4 : collection of problems]ТÐ?КЭМИЯ МаÑ?аки[2003]
2449American go newss.a.
2705Go (Fortsetzung unseres Lehrganges)B. Rüger1936
2961Introducing go : the peerless intellectual game of the OrientGeoffrey Mott-Smith1938
1426?Saiichi Maruya
2194ПоÑ?ловицы и поговорки (Poslovicy i pogovorki) [Proverbs and idioms][2003]
2450The go letterTakeo Matsuda1963-1964
2962Elements of go : the great intellectual game of the Orient[Geoffrey Mott-Smith]1938
2707Das Deutsche Go : Govon Bruno Rüger1931
2963Go : defending against invasionGeoffrey Mott-Smith1938
1428DriftglassSamuel Delany
1684Alternative modernityby Andrew Feenberg1995
2452Clgc Newsletters1979
2708Leichte Goaufgabenvon Bruno Rüger1932
2964Go : Japs play their national game the way they fight their wars1942
1429In search of SugiharaHillel Levine

© European Go Cultural Centre 2016