European Go Cultural Center

European Go Library

The European Go Library currently contains 3369 books/magazines. Feel free to browse through the Library of look for specific items. The listing can be sorted via the links in the columns heads.

You can search the Library by Title, Author, Publisher or Year or a combination. The search is on an or/or basis so any criterium being matched will yield a hit. You can specify an exact term like Verlag of parts of a term, e,g, ver.

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ID Title Author Publisher Year
2453London Go Centre Newsletter1975
2709Leichte Goaufgabenvon Bruno Rüger1933
2965There's no stopping goby Mary Jane Solomon2001
1174I fondamenti del go - 2 - : il fusekiMassimo Mariani1993
2710Leichte Goaufgabenvon Bruno Rüger1935
2966Extended thermography for multiple kos in goWilliam L. Spight2001
1175I fondamenti del go - 3 - : il chubanMassimo Mariani1994
2455Go Tutor1978
2711Zur Didaktik des Go-Spielsvon Helmut Gorenflo1979
2967Giving it a go : ancient game's intrigue inspires a mathematical mystery tour for analystby Matthew Carr2000
1176I fondamenti del go - 1 -Massimo Mariani1992
2200Го : Ñ?амаÑ? пленительнаÑ? игра в мире (Go : Samaâ plenitel’naâ igra v mire) [Go : The most fascina2001
2456Die Treppe : Österreichische Go-zeitung1966
2712Unsere Go-Probleme 1 und ....von Helmut Gorenflo1978
2968A Chinese way of seeing the worldby Elisabeth Papineau2001
2713Unsere Go-Probleme 5 und ....von Helmut Gorenflo1979
2969Ing's SST rules of go : Stones and Spaces are TerritoryJanice Kim, Michael Simon and Phil Straus1991?
2458Österreich-Beilage zur Deutschen Go-zeitung 1958
2714Wir spielen auch 'Go'Walther Blachetta1938
2970Dancing stones : the ancient art of goby Steven Robert Allen2001

© European Go Cultural Centre 2016