European Go Cultural Center

European Go Library

The European Go Library currently contains 3369 books/magazines. Feel free to browse through the Library of look for specific items. The listing can be sorted via the links in the columns heads.

You can search the Library by Title, Author, Publisher or Year or a combination. The search is on an or/or basis so any criterium being matched will yield a hit. You can specify an exact term like Verlag of parts of a term, e,g, ver.

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ID Title Author Publisher Year
3278Rating the proficiency of baduk/Go playersA. CieplýDepartment of Baduk Studies, Myong Ji University2001
3285Ratings for top baduk / Go playersA. CieplýKorean Society for Baduk Studies; Myong-Ji University2005
3226Flights of fancy in the chess worldA.C.W. : edited by George HumeWhitehead and Miller1919
1831The planiverse: computer contact with a two-dimensional world A.K. Dewdney1984
43Go : het fascinerende spel uit het oostenA.P.H. SchilpNederlandse Go Bond1960
3171A comparison between the Japanese and Chinese rules of goA.P.H. SchilpInstitut für Strahlenchemie1980
241Go : het boeiende omsingelingsspelA.P.H. SchilpNederlandse Go-Bond[ca 1962]
1818Denksporten op internetAad VermeulenVan Duren media2006
1792Life and deathadapted by William S. CobbSlate & Shell2003
1281Life and deathadapted by William S. CobbAmerican Go Association1999
1793Uplifting exercisesadapted by William S. CobbSlate & Shell2003
1282Uplifting exercisesadapted by William S. CobbAmerican Go Association1999
1794Whole board opening problemsadapted by William S. CobbSlate & Shell2003
1283Whole board opening problemsadapted by William S. CobbAmerican Go Association1999
1649Tesuji challenges : finding winning movesadapted by William S. CobbSlate & Shell2004
1783Tactical problems : attacking and defendingadapted by William S. CobbSlate & Shell2005
1648Whole board opening problems : moving beyond tactics to strategyadapted by William S. Cobb and Laurie M. CrammondSlate & Shell2002
1529Whole board opening problems : moving beyond tactics to strategyadapted by William S. Cobb and Laurie M. CrammondSlate & Shell2002
690Im Sommer des HasenAdolf MuschgSuhrkamp1994
1920Vejen til go : sådan spilles det orientalske spil goaf Karl Baker ; oversat af Lene og Mogens JakobsenAmerikanske Go Forbund2001

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