European Go Cultural Center

European Go Library

The European Go Library currently contains 3369 books/magazines. Feel free to browse through the Library of look for specific items. The listing can be sorted via the links in the columns heads.

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ID Title Author Publisher Year
1452Go game for beginnersby Haruko Kambayashi ; translated by Masatsugu Tsuzawa and DonalJapan Publications Trading Company1966
2809Wiskunde a go goHenk Wooldrik1966
764The Chinese lake murders : a Chinese detective story suggested by original Chinese plotsRobert van GulikPanther1966
580Die grundlegenden Taktiken und Strategien in einem Spiel mit Vorgabesteinevon Kaku Takagawa ; Ãœbersetzung Peter SussnerGo-Klub 'Ebisu'1966?
3076Go : forget the bluff tactics of poker, the medieval strategy of chessby J.A. Maxtone Graham1967
2071Го турнир памÑ?ти Эммануила ЛаÑ?кера (Go Turnir pamâti Emmanuila Laskera) [Go tournament memorial ELeningradskij gorodskoj Å¡ahmatnyj klub imeni ÄŒigorina; Leningr1967
1085Test snage 1: dodatak broju 9-10/67 Go VjesnikaGo-klub 'Zagreb'1967
3137Experiments with a learning component in a go moku playing programElcock, E.W., Murray, A.M1967
876Jeux et sportssous la direction de Roger CailloisÉditions Gallimard1967
3213Ich lerne Schach und 25 weitere Brettspiele : eine gründliche Einführung mit 107 ZeichnungenErhard GorysFackelverlag1967
1193Der Nahkampf in der EckeU. RingVerlag P. Kreis + P. Schnell1967
1453Go : fascinating oriental game of military strategyPacific game company1967
455Tournament book of the 9th European Go Congress, Mnisek 1965 = Turnierbuch des 9. Europäischen Go-Kongresses, Mnisek 1965European Go Federation1967
229Tournament book of the 9th European Go Congress, Mnísek 1965 = Turnierbuch des 9. Europäischen Go-Kongresses, Mnísek 1965European go federation1967
1520Kokoroby Soseki Natsume ; translated by Ineko KondoKenkyusha1967
1776The Christian century in Japan 1549-1650by C.R. BoxerUniversity of California press1967
1267The Chinese looking glassDennis BloodworthFarrar, Strauss and Giroux1967
1274Encyclopedie voor jongeren : deel 9 : sport en spelenW. de Haan1967
276Europameisterschaft 1968 Berlinten-gen verlag Manfred Venz1968

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