European Go Cultural Center

European Go Library

The European Go Library currently contains 3369 books/magazines. Feel free to browse through the Library of look for specific items. The listing can be sorted via the links in the columns heads.

You can search the Library by Title, Author, Publisher or Year or a combination. The search is on an or/or basis so any criterium being matched will yield a hit. You can specify an exact term like Verlag of parts of a term, e,g, ver.

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ID Title Author Publisher Year
2721Go-EckeHelmut Gorenflo1980
2977Some senryu about GoWilliam Pinckard1979
1698Go : dünyanin en büyüleyici oyonuAlpar Kilinç1995?
2722Das Go-Spiel : Einleitungvon Matsumoto Yoshio1936
2978Go and shogi players between pomp and fussiness at the Edo castleby Masukawa Kôichi ; translated by Bernhard Scheid2001
2723Die neuen Regeln des Go-Meister-Wettspielsvon Y. Matsumoto1936
2979The Chinese communist revolution and the game of wei-chiTate Shafer1996
2724'Go' höher als 'Schach'von Felix Dueball1936
2980Rising to life : treasures of ancient Chinaby Peter Hessler2001
421GrusswortTuneko Bannai, Torao Bannai, Kazuo Bannai1964
2725Ãœber das Go-Spielvon Yosanu Osamu1936
2981Kent u al go?1965
2470Buletin : Federatia Romana de go1989
2726Über die Grundung einer Filiale des japanischen Zentral-Vereins für Go-Spielvon Yosanu Osamu1936
2982The golden pyramid : building a fortune on faith, phone bills, and the patience of your friendsby David Samuels2001
2215ПоÑ?ловицы Го (Poslovicy Go) [Go proverbs]СЕГОЕ КенÑ?аку2003
2471Go Westfalenliga1988
2727Geschichte des Go-Spiels in Deutschlandvon Bruno Rüger1936
2983Japan (JAP)Max Euwe1976
221610 заповедей Го (10 zapovedej Go) [The Ten Commandments of Go]2003

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