European Go Cultural Center

European Go Library

The European Go Library currently contains 3369 books/magazines. Feel free to browse through the Library of look for specific items. The listing can be sorted via the links in the columns heads.

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ID Title Author Publisher Year
1352Shimoda storyOliver StatlerCharles E. Tuttle1971
75The protracted game : a wei-ch'i interpretation of maoist revolutionary strategyBoorman, Scott AOxford University Press1971
388Spellen en spelen : de regels van 100 gezelschapsspelen voor jong en oudMartine ClidièreElsevier1971
3212Schachspielen : ein Leitfaden für die wichtigsten BrettspieleIvo Montada, Horst Römer, Heinrich JellissenSüdwest Verlag1971
3217Unsere Spiele : 1000 und mehrWerner HirteVerlag für die Frau1971
147Gute Form : Grundlagen der NahkampftechnikWolfgang ErnstGo-Sangyo-Verlag1971
1445Go game for beginnersby Haruko Kambayashi ; translated by Masatsugu Tsuzawa and DonalJapan Publications Trading Company1971
1479Basic techniques of goby Haruyama Isamu and Nagahara Yoshiaki ; edited by Richard BozuIshi Press1971
203TesujiHonimbo Eiju (Sakata) : translated from the Japanese by John FaiBritish Go Association1971
206The middle game of go : chubansen : volume one: Sakata Eio, 9-dan[Sakata Eio] ; edited by Richard BozulichIshi Press1971
740Light and darkness : an unfinished novelby Natsume Soseki ; translated by V.H. ViglielmoPeter Owen1971
2534Computer und Go : Programmierung von Govon Manfred Wimmer1971
2542Go-ban : spel dat 4000 jaar oud isdoor Edouard Delmette1971
242Petit traité du jeu de goS. PadovanoL'Impensé Radical, la pensée sauvage1971
2560Go comes Westby Francis Roads1972
2565A computer assisted study of go on m x n boardsThorpe, E., Walden, W.E1972
2572American Go Association rules of go1972
13An analysis of goCraig R. HutchinsonUniversity of Arizona1972
1048Strategic concepts of goby Yoshiaki Nagahara ; in collaboration with Richard BozulichIshi Press1972
1050Go for beginnersby Kaoru IwamotoIshi Press1972

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