European Go Cultural Center

European Go Library

The European Go Library currently contains 3369 books/magazines. Feel free to browse through the Library of look for specific items. The listing can be sorted via the links in the columns heads.

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ID Title Author Publisher Year
2667Diary of a professional go programmerAllan Scarff1987-1988
831Dictionaire des jeux de sociétéJean-Marie LhôteFlammarion1996
1654Dictionary of basic fuseki : volume 1 : star point openingsRin Kaiho ; translated by Robert Terry ; editing by Craig R. HutYutopian enterprises2004
1692Dictionary of basic fuseki : volume 2 : star point openingsRin Kaiho ; translated by Robert Terry ; editing by Craig R. HutYutopian enterprises2005
2277Dictionary of basic fuseki : volume 2.2 : 3-4 point openingsRin Kaiho ; translated by Robert Terry ; editing by Craig R. HutYutopian enterprises2010
1947Dictionary of basic fuseki : volume 3 : 3-4 point openingsRin Kaiho ; translated by Robert Terry ; editing by Craig R. HutYutopian enterprises2008
166Dictionary of basic joseki, volume 1 : the 3-4 pointby Yoshio Ishida ; translated by John PowerIshi Press1977
167Dictionary of basic joseki, volume 2 : the 3-4 point (cont.), the 5-3 pointby Yoshio Ishida ; translated by John PowerIshi Press1977
168Dictionary of basic joseki, volume 3 : the 5-4 point, the star-point, the 3-3 pointby Yoshio Ishida ; translated by John PowerIshi Press1977
1657Dictionary of basic tesuji : volume 1 : tesuji for attackingFujisawa Shuko ; translated by Steven Bretheric, edited by WilliSlate & Shell2004
1732Dictionary of basic tesuji : volume 2 : tesuji for defendingFujisawa Shuko ; translated by Steven Bretheric, edited by WilliSlate & Shell2005
1816Dictionary of basic tesuji : volume 3 : tesuji for the opening, for capturing races, and for life and death problems, part 1Fujisawa Shuko ; translated by Steven Bretheric, edited by WilliSlate & Shell2006
1913Dictionary of basic tesuji : volume 4 : tesuji for life and death problems, part 2, and for the endgameFujisawa Shuko ; translated by Steven Bretheric, edited by WilliSlate & Shell2007
1160Dictionary of go namesby John FairbairnJohn Fairbairn1998
1052Dictionary of modern chessby Byrne J. Horton ; with assistance of James B. Horton and DoroPhilosophical Library1959
2694Did chess originate in China : my answer to mr. A.S.M. Dickinsby Pavle Bidev1978
2551Die Abteilung der Spiele im 'Spiegel der Mandschu-Sprache'. 3,B,1) Tonio.von Karl Himly1896
2718Die Affengleitbahn und andere Go-SpezialitätenHelmut Gorenflo1977
2847Die Arithmomachia des Abraham Ries und weitere neuzeitliche Überlieferungen der RithmomachiePeter Mebben1999
1042Die deutsche Go-GeschichteW. DörholtW. Dörholt1987

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