European Go Cultural Center

European Go Library

The European Go Library currently contains 3369 books/magazines. Feel free to browse through the Library of look for specific items. The listing can be sorted via the links in the columns heads.

You can search the Library by Title, Author, Publisher or Year or a combination. The search is on an or/or basis so any criterium being matched will yield a hit. You can specify an exact term like Verlag of parts of a term, e,g, ver.

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ID Title Author Publisher Year
1123Easy GO-ingRalph E. Welton1979
1124Easy GO-ing : tactics and strategyRalph E. Welton1979
2954Echoes in the sound of go stonesPeter Shotwell2000
2850Edward Falkener : old board games for newIrving L. Finkel1998
2754Edward Lasker (1885-1981) : an appreciationby Gerald E. Pinto1981
3222Edward Lasker : an appreciationby David DanielsSimon and Schuster1988
648Een Japansch huwelijkdoor E. Sugimotos.a.
97Een paard voor een koninkrijk : 100 bord- en denkspelletjesWim van der KolkBert Bakker1976
2917Efficiency (1)by Ishida Yoshio ; translated by John Power1991
2314EGF Fujitsu finalsFujitsu ; European go cultural centre2005
838EGF rating listRob Kok ; assistance from Wiet Bouma, Jan van der Steen, Jan WieEuropean go federation1997
829EGF rating list : 1 kyu - 7 danRob Kok ; assistance from Wiet Bouma, Jan van der Steen, Jan WieEuropean go federation1997
2486EGF-EGCC newsletterRob Kok (ed.)European go centre1997
1868Eight line goRiverside Research Press1965?
475Eight line goRiverside Research Presss.a.
3179Ein Brett und 361 Steine ; Ketten im Kampf auf Leben und Tod ; Go-PraxisGünther MöhringNeues Leben1972
3062Ein kaiserliches Spiel : aus der Geschichte des chinesischen Go1995
538Eine theoretische Basis zur Programmierung von GoMüller, MUniversity of Graz1989
136Einführung in das ostasiatische Brettspiel GoStefan Ungers.n.1980
530Einführung in das Progammieren in LISPDe Gruyter1985

© European Go Cultural Centre 2016