European Go Cultural Center

European Go Library

The European Go Library currently contains 3369 books/magazines. Feel free to browse through the Library of look for specific items. The listing can be sorted via the links in the columns heads.

You can search the Library by Title, Author, Publisher or Year or a combination. The search is on an or/or basis so any criterium being matched will yield a hit. You can specify an exact term like Verlag of parts of a term, e,g, ver.

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ID Title Author Publisher Year
2576The Chinese rules of goDavies, J1978
2577The Japanese rules of goDavies, J1979
2039La vie en atari : une nouvellede Franck GarotPraxeo2009
2814Note sur quelques jeux et principalement sur le jeu chinois, sur la différence du jeu d'échecs a celui des petits voleurs (ou de Godefroi-Guillaume Leibnitz, traduit par Camille Théodore Fr1847
1985Ancient Chinese inventionsDeng Yinke ; translated by Wang PingxingChina intercontinental press2005
366Les joueurs de goDenise le DantecStock1977
2048Everyone starts playing go as a beginnerDenji AiharaNihon Ki-in2009
1267The Chinese looking glassDennis BloodworthFarrar, Strauss and Giroux1967
1851Go : une introductiondessiné par Andreas FeckeFédération française de go2002
2844Godi Enzo Burlini1983
3022Scrittori di godi Franco Pratesi1998
2803Francesco Carletti : giochi Cinesidi Franco Pratesi1996
2804Programmi intelligenti e servi ottusidi Franco PratesiA.I.S.E. Associazione Italiana Scacci Eterodossi1997
2805Scrittori di go : Mihori l'incognitodi Franco Pratesi1997
2806Un'anima molteplice e multiforme : cenni biografici sul Conte Daniele Pecorini, primo giocatore di go italianodi Franco Pratesi1997
2807Otto samurai a Filadelfiadi Franco PratesiA.I.S.E. Associazione Italiana Scacci Eterodossi1997
2843Maledetto, ti ameròdi Marvin Allen Wolfthal1980
606Doctor's ordersDiane DuanePocket Books1990
2428Kongress AktuellDieter Heine, Jens Hoffmann, Wolfgang Hentschel, Christoph Paul,1979
21Spielanleitung für 'Go'Dietmar HartungDietmar Hartung Go-Spiele u. Literatur1983

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